Friday, February 20, 2009

My First Blog

I have begun this incredible journey of blogging. I think the first article I pen down should be a justification to this phenomenon itself as to why I got into this hobby or pursuit or interest, whatever you may call it. Ripping off something from my management education, I will try follow a 'logical structure' but apologies if it feels anything but logical.
Probably, my biggest expectation from blogging is I want it to be a forum where I can pen down my thoughts, my wildest dreams, my ideas, my viewpoints; my media for a one-many(and yes, a many-one) communication; I want it to be a reflection of my mind, a living proof of what I thought, an opportunity for me to sit back to let others and I review where,maybe, my thinking is wrong or how it can be improved. My Key success Factor definition for such a forum would purely be how much of a debate can I generate on this forum(which blogging site doesnt claim to do so) and my personal KRA from this forum is whether I can learn something from this interest.
The next question is a more managerial question. Can I justify this hobby with enough time? How many articles do I intend to post? How many people are expected to read this page? What is the return in it for me(stupid question but I will still answer it & 'me' means the blogger forum). Frankly, I do not know how often I will visit this site or how many articles I will post. How many people is certainly not an area of concern of me or nor is it under my control. But, I will make a commitment. Everytime my mind bursts with a thought, looks for a forum to burst out with its thoughts, I will be here on this site. Thankfully for the reader, I will skip the last question.
Finally, why the name of the blog, "BalloonSparrows?". No, it is not a rip-off from any English movie or novel nor associated with any famous institution nor is it a puzzle with a hidden crypt. But, yes, it is a secret which I will carry it on to eternity. Only one person knows this secret and it does not happen to a gentlemen called "GOD".
Hoping to do well. Thanks, Blogger.

Signing off, Teague...

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